Liberals vs. Progressives???

 So basically I need to describe the difference between two political ideologies, so I decided that I am going to describe the differences between two ones that many people get confused or don't know the nuances of. I think one of the easiest ways to do this would to compare two of the best known 2020 presidential candidates(and sadly one presidential elect) who are from the same party, but have very different ideologies. These people are Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders is a progressive, while Biden wants to hold the status quo but make it slightly better and look a little different. One big difference between Biden and Bernie is their view on social services. Bernie Sanders wants the government to pay for the first two years of college, and for everyone to be under the same universal healthcare plan. Biden doesn't want a universal healthcare plan, and also doesn't support paying for two years of college. Another difference that is a bit smaller is that Bernie Sanders wants to legalize weed, but Joe Biden only supports decriminalization. To be honest, I kinda like Biden's idea a bit better, because if weed was completely legal it'd turn into the new big tobacco. However, they both support a 15$ minimum wage, which is nice.


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