
Political Parties- an explanation

In the USA, there are 2 political parties that matter. The democrats and republicans. Some would say that they aren't too different, others would argue the opposite. But what is a political party you may ask? Well, a political party can be any group of people with an agenda, if you really think about it. However, the definition that I will provide is a more simple and realistic one. A political party is basically an organized group of people with a political agenda. The people inside may have varying beliefs that range on a spectrum but fall under one similar agenda, like the democrats(arguably), or they could be much more organized and ideologically similar, like the Republicans. These two parties love to fight a lot and make it so each other can't progress society. Here in the USA it seems like the two parties with a monopoly on the government go back and forth for a reason. It kinda reminds me of the second largest GDP country, China with it's one party state. The people

Communist Party U.S.A

 The Communist Party USA is a political party of communists located in the USA. They formed in 1919 after a split from the Socialist Party of America after the Russian revolution. It was at it's peak during the great depression, because that's when people were starting to get disillusioned by capitalism. They helped advocate for labor rights, but they started to lose momentum during the red scare. Despite calling themselves communists, they don't really seem to follow a Marxist-Leninist ideology, just more idealistic democratic communism with respect for freedom. They want workers to have complete control over the means of production, they are very pro environment and their end goal is global communism. They have modernized their aesthetics, as one of their big talking points now is racial equality. They also call for the breaking up or nationalization of all banks "too big to fail" and "ejecting CEOs from their golden parachutes".  Looking back on my ch

the n.r.a

 So there's this interest group and they're called like the NRA(National Rifle Association) or something. They were founded in 1871. They like guns a lot and they vow to protect the second amendment and rise up in revolution if we ever have a corrupt government(at least that's what they said they would do). They are considered one of the 3 most influential lobbying group in D.C. The NRA is usually pretty conservative, however in 1990, their Vermont division told their supporters to "Vote for the socialist", referring to Bernie Sanders, due to his lax stance on guns. They have been pretty successful with their lobbying, when in 1986 they edited the gun control act of 1968 to be a bit more friendly to gun owners. They have divisions all over the country, however the main location is in Fairfax County, Virginia. They say that they have 5.5 million members, which is probably enough armed people to invade and occupy Washington D.C and potentially overthrow the governme

Liberals vs. Progressives???

 So basically I need to describe the difference between two political ideologies, so I decided that I am going to describe the differences between two ones that many people get confused or don't know the nuances of. I think one of the easiest ways to do this would to compare two of the best known 2020 presidential candidates(and sadly one presidential elect) who are from the same party, but have very different ideologies. These people are Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders is a progressive, while Biden wants to hold the status quo but make it slightly better and look a little different. One big difference between Biden and Bernie is their view on social services. Bernie Sanders wants the government to pay for the first two years of college, and for everyone to be under the same universal healthcare plan. Biden doesn't want a universal healthcare plan, and also doesn't support paying for two years of college. Another difference that is a bit smaller is that Bernie

First Post

 Welcome to my very first blog post for my AP GOV project. I was pretty aware of my political ideologies before I took the test, however that test called me a solid liberal?? I'm not a liberal. If I could put a label on my ideology I would call myself a democratic socialist or something along those lines. I'd wanna try and build a welfare state with high quality public services like Finland or Denmark. It'd also be great if the workers could control the means of production, but I think that's a little too far-fetched for now. However, I still do think that company boards should have much more workers on them, because workers should have much more control of the companies that they work in. Speaking of companies, I also believe that uber-rich CEOs like Jeff Bezos should be taxed to hell and back in order to fund public services and help the homeless problem (that he contributed to, at least in Seattle) and better the world, instead of him just hoarding his wealth. I thin